
UF Health

Location:  Jacksonville, Fl
Type:  Healthcare
Square Feet:  21,400
Products:  LiveRoof Standard Modules, RoofEdge Aluminum Edging

The UF Health North Jacksonville ranks as one of the largest green roof projects in the Southeastern U.S. The main roof has over 17,000 square feet of vegetated roof visible from 4 stories of doctors’ offices and patient waiting rooms. The 2nd largest portion of vegetated roof is located on the front side of the building under a large overhang. This portion of the project only receives 3-4 hours of sunlight and relies solely on supplemental irrigation. The smallest portion of vegetated roof is a beautiful seating area where doctors and patients can step outside for some fresh air. The seating area contains a perimeter of LiveRoof along with a unique “LiveRoof island” in the center of the area.